PERSONAL DETAILSPERSONAL DETAILSSurname*First Name*Address*State*Post Code*Phone*Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY MobileEmail Address* City of Birth*Country of Birth*Gender* Male Female Other Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?* No Yes, Aboriginal Yes, Torres Strait Islander Do you speak a language other than English at home?*(If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often) No, English only Yes, other – please specify Other Languages*Course*Course *11101NAT Certificate IV in Payroll Administration11102NAT Diploma of Payroll ManagementEnter a Promo Code? Yes Promo CodeWho will be paying for this course?* I am paying for this course myself. My employer is paying for this course. How Do You Wish To Pay*Instalment Plan - $3,850 ($1,500 on enrolment; $1,500 4 months after enrolment; $850 7 months after enrolment).Payment Plan - $4,290 (10 payments of $429 charged to your credit card)Payment*Upfront $3850 (GST free and inclusive of all materials)How Do You Wish To Pay*Instalment Plan - $5,750 ($1,500 on enrolment; $1,500 4 months after enrolment; $1,500 8 months after enrolment; $1,250 11 months after enrolment).Payment Plan - $6,370 (13 payments of $490 charged to your credit card)Payment*Upfront $5,750 (GST free and inclusive of all materials)Payment*Upfront $3,465 (GST free and inclusive of all materials) (includes 10% discount)Payment*Upfront $3,465 (GST free and inclusive of all materials) (includes SPRING10 - 10% discount)Payment*Upfront $5,175 (GST free and inclusive of all materials) (includes 10% discount)Payment*Upfront $5,175 (GST free and inclusive of all materials) (includes SPRING10 - 10% discount)How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront $5175 (includes 10% discount)Payment plan 13 payments of $441 (includes 10% discount)How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $3,465 (includes 10% members discount)(GST free and inclusive of all materials).How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $5,175 (includes 10% members discount) (GST free and inclusive of all materials) .How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $3,272.50 (includes 15% members discount)(GST free and inclusive of all materials).How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $4,887.50 (includes 15% members discount) (GST free and inclusive of all materials) .Payment*Upfront $4,600 (GST free and inclusive of all materials) (includes 20% discount).How Do You Wish To Pay*Instalment Plan - $4,600 ($1,500 on enrolment; $1,500 4 months after enrolment; $1,500 8 months after enrolment; $100 11 months after enrolment).Payment Plan - $5,096 (13 payments of $392 charged to your credit card) (includes 20% discount).How Do You Wish To Pay*Instalment Plan - $3,080 (includes 20% Leadership discount) ($1,500 on enrolment; $1,580 4 months after enrolment).Payment Plan - $3,432 (includes 20% Leadership discount) (10 payments of $342.20 charged to your credit card)How Do You Wish To Pay*Instalment Plan - $3,080 (includes 20% STUDY discount) ($1,500 on enrolment; $1,580 4 months after enrolment).Payment Plan - $3,432 (includes 20% STUDY discount) (10 payments of $342.20 charged to your credit card)How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $3,080(includes 20% leadership discount)(GST free and inclusive of all materials).How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $3,080(includes 20% STUDY discount)(GST free and inclusive of all materials).How Do You Wish To Pay*Instalment Plan - $4,600 (includes 20% leadership discount)($1,500 on enrolment; $1,500 4 months after enrolment; $1,500 8 months after enrolment; $100 11 months after enrolment).Payment Plan - $5,096 (includes 20% leadership discount)(13 payments of $392 charged to your credit card) (includes 20% discount).How Do You Wish To Pay*Instalment Plan - $4,600 (includes 20% STUDY discount)($1,500 on enrolment; $1,500 4 months after enrolment; $1,500 8 months after enrolment; $100 11 months after enrolment).Payment Plan - $5,096 (includes 20% STUDY discount)(13 payments of $392 charged to your credit card) (includes 20% discount).How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $4,600 (includes 20% leadership discount) (GST free and inclusive of all materials) .How Do You Wish To Pay*Upfront - $4,600 (includes 20% STUDY discount) (GST free and inclusive of all materials) .EMPLOYER (if relevant)EMPLOYER (if relevant)Name*Company*Address*State*Post Code*Phone*Email Address* STATISTICAL DETAILSSTATISTICAL DETAILS This information is used for statistical purposes only.Are you still enrolled in secondary or senior secondary education?* Yes No Name of School you are attendingWhat is your highest completed school level?*In what year did you complete that school level?*Have you SUCCESSFULLY completed any of the qualifications listed below?* Yes No If YES, tick ANY applicable boxes. Bachelor Degree or higher degree Advance diploma or associate degree Diploma (or associate degree) Certificate IV (or advanced certificate/technician) Certificate III (or trade certificate) Certificate II Certificate I Other education (including certificates or overseas qualifications not listed above) Current Employment Status* Full-time Part-time Self employed Employer Unpaid family Unemployed Do you consider yourself to have a permanent and significant disability?* Yes No If you indicated the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please select the area(s) in the following list:(You may indicate more than one area) Please refer to the Disability supplement for an explanation of the following disabilities. Hearing/deaf Physical Intellectual Learning Mental illness Acquired brain impairment Vision Medical condition Other If other disability please specify:*Are you new to Australian payroll?* Yes No Do you have any issues with reading or writing?* Yes No Not Sure Do you have any issues calculating numbers?* Yes No Not Sure Are you nervous about enrolling in this course (ie. you may not have studied for a long time)?* Yes No Not Sure Do you have any reason to believe you might need extra support from our trainers?* Yes No Not Sure Of the following categories, which BEST describes your main reason for undertaking this course?* To get a job To develop my existing business To start my own business To try for a different career To get a better job or promotion It was a requirement of my job I wanted extra skills for my job To get into another course of study For personal interest or self development Other (specify below) Please specify other reasons:*Section BreakPlease download the Participant Handbook containing all of the following information: Our Service Commitment Unique Student Identifier Access and Equity Policy Expectations of Participants Participant Support Refund Policy Competency Based Training and Assessment Credit Transfer Recognition of Prior Learning Access to Participant Records Release of contact details and information Change of Personal Details Complaints and Appeals Results Reissuance of Certificate/Statement of Attainments Course Evaluation Relevant Legislation – to be complied with Declaration and Student ConsentDeclaration and Student ConsentI have read the Participant Handbook and agree to the conditions* Yes No I give permission for the RTO to obtain the USI on my behalf* Yes No I already have a USI. You have indicated above that you already have a USI. Please enter it here (max 10 characters, can be numbers or letters).*Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY * A certified copy of Photo ID has been provided or the original sighted. I have access to a workplace with suitable range of activities to complete this qualification. * A certified copy of Photo ID has been provided or the original sighted. I have access to a workplace with suitable range of activities to complete this qualification. I have attached evidence of the Certificate IV in Payroll Administration (certified certificate) or the required minimum 3 years payroll experience (copy of resume with references) NB: Proof of ID is required. Enrolments must provide copy of Photo ID via the post or scanned and emailed. Certificates will only be issued when acceptable certified ID is provided.Section BreakTERM AND CONDITIONS The following terms and conditions apply to all participants: 1. Before you can commence your studies, you are required to complete a language, literacy and numeracy assessment, which will be forwarded to you when your enrolment is processed. You will also need to complete various telephone assessments with your trainer throughout your course. 2. Course work progression - participants are required to notify Australian Payroll Institute as soon as it is practical of any event or any difficulties impacting the progress of their training and completion of their unit of competence, and if necessary apply for an extension. 3. Participants are responsible for the following costs: Replacement of a Statement of Attainment/Certificate or reissuance while progressing $55 inclusive GST On the occasion where participants are unable to achieve a satisfactory result in an assessment submission, they will be allowed two (2) resubmissions to correct their work without further payment being required. Full feedback will be provided by our trainers as to why a satisfactory result was not achieved. This can be further discussed over the telephone with your trainer if needed. If after two (2) resubmissions the result is still not satisfactory, a fee of $165 will be payable for each additional resubmission. 4. Full payment of fees are required prior of the issuance of the Statement of Attainment or Certificate. 5. Participants who successfully complete the requirements prior to the planned finished date can receive their Statement of Attainment/Certificate on completion, as long as all course fees are paid in full. 6. Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in Australia are regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). As an RTO, we are required to pass on your contact details to ASQA if they request it. 7. Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, the Australian Payroll Institute is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). Please download the Australian Payroll Institute Privacy Statement for more information. 8. By clicking on the ‘Submit Application’ button below, I declare that the information I have provided in this enrolment form, to the best of my knowledge, is true and correct. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.